Confident Truth: Partnering with Pastors to Equip Christians in a Biblical Worldview

Confident Truth Conferences Are:

  • Christian

    The focus is not on politics or preferences, but on building a biblical worldview.

  • Conversational

    Encourages interaction and engages the attendees with questions.

  • Constructive

    Not debates, but opportunities for everyone to learn in a friendly environment

  • Practical

    Attendees will gain practical knowledge to apply to their Christian fatih.

  • Biblical

    All conferences assume the authority, integrity, and inerrancy of the Bible.

Confident Conversations

Confident Marriages

Confident Faith

Confident Leaders

Alex McFarland



tools so we can listen, hear and win our culture to Christ

“Wonder how our culture attempts to impact our faith and our families? Dr. Weathers sheds light on current trends with Biblical insights. How can a Biblical worldview impact our decision-making process? He gives us tools so we can listen, hear and win our culture to Christ! Invite Dr. Weathers to your church, association, convention--you will be energized to have spiritual conversations.”

-Dr. Jeff Gibby, Missionary Strategist, Brunswick Baptist Association

Alex McFarland



heart for the Scriptures

“My wife and I really enjoyed the Marriage Retreat weekend with Bob Weathers. I appreciate his heart for the Scriptures and how he used them to inform the theological convictions!

There were folks from various stages in their marriage, but Bob did a proficient job in relating to everybody! Thanks again Bob for your kingdom work!”

-Jordan Gandy, Pastor, Coastal Life Community Church, Myrtle Beach, SC

Alex McFarland



wealth of passionate biblically sound information

“Dr. Weathers has done an admirable job compiling a wealth of biblical nuggets that are applicable to every season of marriage. Whether you are a newlywed or have been married for many years, Dr. Weathers provides sound biblical teaching and application that is very relevant for real life marriages.  Marriage is worth investing in and so is the wealth of passionate biblically sound information that Dr. Weathers has poured into this material. Thanks for being a servant leader, Bob.”

-Rev. Robbie Baxley, Senior Pastor, Mullins First Baptist Church

Alex McFarland



easy to understand

“Dr Bob Weathers has been our guest speaker for two consecutive years for our regional marriage retreat, ‘A Weekend of Encouragement!’ The response to his teaching has been extremely positive. His presentations are very organized, making it easy to understand and take notes. Best of all, his teaching is grounded in God’s word. Your ministry would do well to have him as your guest speaker.”

-Rev. Rob Pierce, Pastor, Latta Baptist Church

Alex McFarland




“I have had the opportunity to hear Dr. Bob Weathers speak in services, associational gatherings and in the church I pastor. We had Bob as a part of a series entitled: “Celebration of the Word.” Our folks were spellbound as he intricately walked us through the halls of history concerning the canonization of the Scripture as well as its relevance for the day.”

-Rev. Anthony W Clemmons, Pastor of Mount Olive Baptist Church

Alex McFarland



captivates an audience

“Bob Weathers captivates an audience.”

-Rev. Anthony Clemmons, Pastor, Mount Olive Baptist Church

Alex McFarland



knowledgeable speaker and man of integrity

“I’ve had Bob Weathers in my church on several occasions including a Bible Conference and to preach for revival. I highly recommend him as a knowledgeable speaker and as a man of integrity.”

-Rev. Rob Pierce, Pastor, Latta Baptist Church

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