Why are there so many religions? Do all religions really believe the same about God, faith, and salvation?
Can your members answer these questions with confidence and clarity? The Bad Karma Bible Conference compares Christianity with cults and other religions in key areas, such as the nature of God, the person of Jesus Christ, and the meaning of salvation.
Attendees will:
- Learn how the Bible explains the existence of so many religions;
- Learn biblical answers to key questions;
- Cultivate clarity on key areas of a Christian worldview;
- Gain confidence in answering critical questions about their faith and addressing other religions;
- Strengthen their understanding of Christian theology.
For Christians 16 years and older. Strengthens knowledge of Christian theology and cultivates confidence in apologetics by showing how Christianity is true and other worldviews are false.
Up to four hours of content. Adaptable. Covers all seven questions, or you can pick which areas we will cover. Allow for Q/A.
Sessions to pick from (or include all 7 with time allowed):
- Why Are We Religious Anyway?
- What Do We Believe About the Nature of God?
- What Do We Believe About Authority?
- What Do We Believe About Jesus Christ?
- What Do We Believe About Salvation?
- What Do We Believe About the Church?
- What Do We Believe About Heaven?