How do I pick a Bible translation? Are they all equally God’s Word? And why do some translations differ in some passages?
These are common questions Christians ask about the Bible and the various translations used in churches.
This conference helps church members answer key questions about Bible translations, how those translations came to be, and which ones are the best and most trustworthy. The conference is designed for multigenerational churches with members using both modern translations and the King James Version.
Attendees will:
- Fortify their faith in the trustworthiness of God’s Word;
- Learn why English translations are needed;
- Cultivate a mutual appreciation for the KJV and modern translations;
- Learn the principles and practices of Bible translators;
- Learn how to choose a translation;
- Learn how to recognize aberrant translations and avoid them;
- Learn how the best translations are produced and why they can be trusted.
As with all of the Confident Truth conferences, “Your Bible. God’s Word” stresses the authority of the Bible and cultivates sound, biblical theology.
Fosters unity in the church, especially multigenerational congregations where some use the KJV and others use modern translations.
For Christians ages 16 and up. Approximately 2-3 hours with Q/A.