
Apostle Paul


For me, I was around 50. I suddenly realized that more highway was behind me than out front, more life lived than yet to go. Maybe I had just been running too fast to notice how far I had traveled, but nevertheless, I paused the pace and soaked it in. This realization is so common, we have a name for it—a mid-life crisis. Dartmouth College professor David Blanchflower conducted an extensive study that suggests that…

Americans love celebrities. And Christians are no different. So we are smitten when a secular celebrity says they have been saved. We jostle to be the first in line to herald their salvation, have them on Christian talk shows, offer them book deals, let them lead worship, invite them to preach. But what’s the rush? Should we put newly converted celebrities in the spotlight so fast? Kanye West has professed faith in Christ, and his…