


Whenever Christians object to certain books, the media seize on it, portraying it as the demise of civilization. Especially if that means we prefer that those books not be available to kids in school. Does that mean Christians are anti-intellectual bigots? Secularists certainly think so. And some of those secularists are teaching our kids. Krista Tyler, an instructional technology specialist at a Middle School in the Leander District near Round Rock, Texas, wrote a poem…

In 1995 I participated as a teacher in a pastors’ conference hosted by Ukrainian Baptists in Kiev. My two weeks there was my first experience interacting and teaching through a translator. Helen was one of our most dedicated translators. She was a young lady, twenty-something at the time, who had grown up at the conclusion of the Soviet occupation of her homeland. She was smart, engaging, and aspired to work in international politics. And she…

For all the stress and strain caused by closing schools and shifting education to the dinner table, it may have also opened the eyes of many parents. That is, there is a reason that around 4% of American parents so far have chosen homeschooling, and, even before the pandemic, the numbers continued to rise. But that doesn’t sit well with a group of secular academics with a progressive agenda. Elizabeth Bartholet, Harvard’s Wasserstein public interest…