


Prior to the holidays, a large segment of the population, Gen Z, said they would rather avoid political discussion altogether by just skipping family gatherings. The Harris Poll on “political avoidance” The Harris Poll recently surveyed over 2,000 Americans and found that around half of Gen Zers would rather skip holiday family gatherings than be confronted with a political debate. And 38% said they dreaded such gatherings. The Harris Poll called this “political avoidance.” Gen…

This divisive, messy election is nearly over. Almost. Sort of. And it seems that all we have done lately is fight about our political alliances. How can we go on from here? Where can we get perspective? The same place we always do. From Jesus. People constantly asked Jesus questions. Questions about faith, about religion, and, yes, about politics. And for good reason. He could take the waffling faith of the doubter and give it…

Author and pastor John Piper published a blog on October 22 that has gained lots of attention, responses, and retorts. And the article has fostered a needed conversation among Christians about voting in this election. In the article, “Policies, Persons, and Paths to Ruin,” posted on the Desiring God website, Piper scathingly denounces Trump for his appalling character, not by name but without nuance, and he implies that voting for Trump cannot be justified just…