Hi! I’m Bob Weathers
I’ve served in pastoral ministry and Christian academics for more than thirty years. In those three decades, our culture has shifted into a post-truth, post-Christian culture. We have abandoned objective truth.
And during the same three decades, Christians have consistently drifted away from their own confidence in the truth of biblical worldview.
So here’s the problem. In the most challenging time in history, Christians can’t articulate what they believe, they cannot live their beliefs, defend their beliefs, or pass their beliefs along to the next generation.
So my purpose is simple: I provide content, conferences, and conversations to help Christians cultivate a biblical worldview.
Why now? Thirty years ago, “postmodernism” was an academic phenomenon that few Christians knew about. I studied it then with detached curiosity and I’ve written about it since then. But in the meantime, postmodernism has slithered into the culture and the church. Even Christians are using postmodern terms that were once hidden away in academic texts, like “deconstruction” and “emergent” and “safe spaces.”
And here’s what you need to know: The shift to postmodernity is the reason we now live in a post-truth, post-Christian culture. This is the new world, and we need to be ready for it.
As Christian apologist Jim Denison says, “It feels like I’ve been building an ark all my life, and now it is starting to rain.” The Coming Tsunami
So look around. I started this site with my blog in 2017, and I am continuing it as a way to engage our culture. I’ve added my speaking ministry, Confident Truth, and I will be adding additional content in the future, all designed to help Christians cultivate a biblical worldview, apply the Bible, and answer the challenges of our post-truth culture.
It’s time. Get ready, and equip your church members to be ready. Before it’s too late.
“prepare your minds for action”
1 Peter 1:13